All available data
Our database, the MarketBase, is packed with information. To make it more concrete, we have compiled a list below with all the data you can filter on to find the perfect target group. This data is divided into contact information, company information and market-specific information.
Company information
- Company name
- National and international group structure (Headquarters, branches, financial holdings, etc.)
- VAT number
- Registration/CoC number (Chamber of Commerce or Kamer van Koophandel)
- Address details (Country, Province, City, Postcode, Telephone number)
- Company activity (NACE, SIC)
- Number of employees at the location
- Number of employees total
- Number of workplaces at location
- Number of workplaces national
- Totale fleet at location (and property)
- Totale fleet national (and property)
- Turnover national
- Turnover international
- Fortune 500 ranking
- Forbes 2000 ranking
Contact information
- First name
- Last name
- Gender
- Function
- Department
- Decision-making unit DMU (Who is authorised to make decisions within the organisation?)
- Language
- Email (this will not be delivered, but can be used)