“Again, Smart Profile showed that their team is able to show good results quickly. At first, a specific partner had doubts about the participation, but as soon as we started, results were achieved that were above expectations,” Mr. Beunk explains. “There was 1.5 leads per day and the client was so satisfied that the campaign was extended with additional days fairly quickly. In addition, this partner is now looking to continue to work with Smart Profile outside the programme”.
In addition to insight into the ICT infrastructure at Benelux organisations, Smart Profile also offers insight into the Benelux ICT market via the so-called ChannelBase ICT. Based on this data, insight is offered into possible new Kaspersky partners. “At the moment conversations are being held not only to help the existing partners, but also to connect new partners to the partner programme. In addition, Smart Profile will provide structural support in the area of inbound and expanding turnover with existing customers,” explains the head of B2B at Kaspersky.