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Smart Profile
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Smart Profile and Microsoft are now working together on a European level to support the Microsoft partners as well as possible, which all started on the basis of a pilot in 2013 aimed at the Benelux. Throughout all these years, Microsoft has been able to gather a lot of valuable market insights for itself and its partners, thanks to the market intelligence and demand generation solutions from Smart Profile.
Business development specialists are an important part of every telephone demand generation campaign. Within the entire team there are a few people who focus specifically on Microsoft campaigns. “It is clear that a great deal of knowledge has been built up in this group”, adds Jan Willem. “They know the various propositions of our partners, they ask the right questions and have a great deal of knowledge and experience. Through all the campaigns that have already been carried out and the insights from the Smart Profile database, much market intelligence has also been built up that is used as the basis for each following campaign.”
“In the various demand generation campaigns, Smart Profile has proven to be a very reliable partner. They always deliver what has been agreed and have good quality insights / data. On top of that, they know how to extract many insights from a conversation and communicate in a very open and honest way. In short, the quality of Smart Profile can be called high from project management to market intelligence”, says Jan Willem Barkmeijer. He is the Partner Marketing Advisor for SMB and Central GTM Marketing Motions at Microsoft.
A clear summary is made of every conversation. This summary states, among other things, in which phase of the buying cycle this account is located. This intelligence is then translated per account into an interactive dashboard, which provides the necessary insight to perform effective lead nurturing and sales follow-up.
“Since we adopted a European program, insights arise that work all across Europe. These insights are very valuable to us and our partners. Based on sound project management by Smart Profile and the insights they offer through well-arranged dashboards, a real win-win is created for Microsoft and the partners. With 1 partner I have even seen that every euro invested has led to 17 euros in additional revenue! ”
Based on the proven successful model in the Benelux, it was decided jointly to further roll out the European. In addition to the Benelux partners, there are Microsoft partners all over Europe who need qualified leads (BANT criteria) and market intelligence to make marketing and sales more effective. From the initiating role of Smart Profile within the European Market Intelligence Group (EMIG), the company is able to support the various European partners of Microsoft. These partners are also able to make calls via the Smart Profile platform. This way Microsoft remains able to easily assess the partners and campaigns on a European level in well-arranged dashboards.
“Since we adopted a European program, insights arise all across Europe. These insights are very valuable to us and our partners. Based on sound project management by Smart Profile and the insights they offer through well-arranged dashboards, a real win-win is created for Microsoft and the partners. With 1 partner I have even seen that every euro invested has led to 17 euros in additional revenue! ”
In the European program, as a collaboration between Smart Profile and Microsoft, work is being done on a structural level based on telephonic demand generation. Per campaign, 18 days are called by experienced business development specialists, who speak the local language and are aware of the local customs, via the Smart Profile platform. All insights are collected centrally from the platform to also have relevant market insights at local and central level.
Partners are able to register for the program via the following link